Ndinzwewo Boyz
Young Zimbabweans navigating the world and sharing their experiences. Conversations, jokes and introspection.
Ndinzwewo Boyz
Episode 3 - "Grown Men With Daddy Issues"
Ndinzwewo Boyz
Season 1
Episode 3
Audio Player
00:00:00 | 01:04:55
On the third episode of the podcast, Tongayi and Thoko decide to scare the hoes (but only a little bit, we promise) and use the themes of the new Kendrick album to explore vulnerability, culture and accepting reality in the Zimbabwean context.
They also discuss flex culture in Zimbabwe, the inherent trust issues we face as a community, how that gets in the way of true community building in Zimbabwe and how the culture of “respect” we have in Zimbabwe gets in the way of genuine progress.
Support the boyz: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ndinzwewo
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